Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.
Tuition Rates and Payment Information
*There is a non-refundable $20 registration fee or $25 per family, which is due upon
registration along with your first month's tuition (September).
*Classes are based on a yearly tuition from September through June.
*If you choose to pay the entire tuition, at registration, by cash or check, you will
receive a 10% discount.
*If you choose to pay the entire tuition, at registration, by credit card, you will receive
a 7% discount.
*If you pay 1⁄2 year tuition, at registration, by cash or check, you will receive a 5%
*If you pay 1⁄2 year tuition by credit card, at registration, by credit card, you will receive
a 3% discount.
*Otherwise, tuition is broken up into 10 monthly payments, which are due by the 15th of
each month.
*Tuition is the same, regardless of how many weeks are in a month, and there are no
deductions for missed classes. If you miss classes in a month, you are still responsible
for paying the entire month's tuition.
*A reasonable amount of missed lessons due to illness or prior engagement may be made
up during an appropriate class level/time.
Please DO NOT take advantage of this policy. Your class teacher will be able to give you
the class level/time to make up your lesson.
You will still be required to pay full monthly tuition when missing a lesson.
*You MUST notify Miss Karen and officially “drop” a class, if your child decides to
discontinue classes. If not, you will be responsible for payments until you do so.
*Payments can be made by cash, check (Miss Karen’s Dance Studio), credit cards, or
through your JackRabbit parent portal.
Class Hours Tuition Rate per month
45 min. $60
1 hour $65
1 1⁄2 hours $95
1 hour 45 min. $100
2 hours $115
2 1⁄2 hours $125
3 hours $165
3 1⁄2 hours $175
4 hours $215
4 1⁄2 hours $225
5 hours $265
5 1⁄2 hours $275
6 hours $315
6 1⁄2 hours $325
7 hours $365
7 1⁄2 hours $375
8 hours $415
Private Lessons (per 1⁄2 hour session)
Solo - $25
Duet - $20
Trio - $18
*Limited private lessons available upon request.
MUST take a technique class if doing a private lesson.
Please contact Miss Karen, if interested