Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.
Hello Everyone,
Registration is done online. Current students should use their JackRabbit portal. New students will have to create a JackRabbit family portal.
Please follow the link below, which will take you into JackRabbit.
Click on “events” for morning themed camps. Click on “classes” for boot camp classes. All summer boot camp classes start with *S.
Please contact the studio with any questions.
Thank you,
Miss Karen
​Current students can register through your JackRabbit portal. All boot camp classes are under “classes” and start with *S. New students should contact the studio at 610-393-2913 or email: misskarensdancestudio@gmail.com for registration information.

About Us
Miss Karen's Dance Studio offers many styles of dance instruction including Ballet, Tap, Hip-Hop, Lyrical, and more! Come visit us, or contact us here through our website. We'd love to speak to you about our offerings!

Our Story
Miss Karen's Dance Studio opened in 2012 from the basement of my home. We have grown yearly and have been located at a larger studio in Forks Township since 2014. My hometown!
There's a bit more to our story, and how we got to where we are now, but I'd be happy to discuss that after meeting you in person!

Send us a message!
1700 Sulivan Trail
Easton, PA 18040